The Moment

The moment is missed

With no second thought

The reality is you lied

You never intended to act

You were content

Where you were

The land was safe

The ground soft

Why leave

Quickly you descended

To your home

Now worried

If you will make it out

The shift of comfort

Turns to torment

You decided

Now you want more

Paralyzed in comfort

You see life move on without you,

The trees grow around you

The ground hardens above you

Your screams absorbed by the wind

You yearn for a seed to fall

To free you from purgatory

to seize your moment once again. 

Awake to Rest


I sleep

Imagining a time

Where I can be


No worries

No thoughts

No projection

The voice




To orchestrate



By the sun

The release


The path


The journey



I follow


To darkness





I cry


Don’t dry





The Purge


The gates of hell open,

spirits casts upon the face of the earth,

fear prevails

as hearts sink into darkness,

words form out of the holes of iniquity,

provoking the masses to turn,

cities burn,

awakening the souls of three witnesses,

the past enslaves the present,

burning the faithful in their hope,

vapors go up,

reaching beyond the clouds

the cries shake heaven,

seeing love enslaved to fear,

the King is moved,


in meekness He engages his plan,


taking on the onslaught of demons

He reaps,

what was sown,

in darkness

He implants a light,

deep in the hearts,

the eye is sight,

with one blow the demons retreat,

purging the world of fear.

His plan is complete.

Masked Stillness

Stillness is masked by silence,

the dead awaken and the heart stops,

enslaved by the end,


Stillness is masked by silence,

the dead awaken and the heart stops,

enslaved by the end,

sin shames,

causing pain to reign within,

nothing swallows the whole,

as the blood drains,

filling the nostrils of the lost,

the mind exalts time,

the watchers move in,

expecting the words to be uttered,

suddenly the end comes,

yet nothing occurs,

like the waves beating against the shore,

the end recedes as the sunrises,

light invades

giving way a new day,

freeing stillness to speak…


Cord less interludes,

the fall

rises from the ashes,

ravishing the ground,


the heart,

turned by a hand,


to no end,

avenues are sold,

glories insured,

this is not the plan,

purposed to soar,

the back stays grounded,

comfort replaces uncertainty

the mind clouded,

the turning

subsets the terminal,

the train derails,

at the plea of strangers,

the stop is unwanted,

but accepted with anger,

emotions are not expressed

they are chosen,

words not confessed

are broken,

the screen dims

the cord unplugged…

Spoiled Silence


has caused division,

all vision is fixed,

not one can see,

filtered from the One,

the self is spoiled

in pain,

not one can hear,

the self is spoiled,

in fear,

the circle ends,

and the dust rests,

many go silent

the One stands alone,


Something finds


the journey submits,

nothing begets no thing,

no thing befriends some thing,

some thing becomes something,

something feels,

pain is strengthened,


something pushes further,

looking up,

something sees below,


something finds,

a spark,

igniting a fire,

that unleashes art.

Rewinding Time


Reflecting on time,

The spine rewinds,

calculated in dust,

weighted by glory,

the watchers know the story,

amnesia entertains the herd,

with framed screens

they lean,

pushed over by a scare,

they stare


in the ocean of despair,

a seed drops from the air,

the impact spreads,

the Word is heir,

as time rewinds.

the mind refines

the heart reminds…

Undiscovered Hope

Undiscovered hope,

an achievement least desired,

life begins and ends the same,

shedding takes frames,

as the heart is refined,

the mind,

an inhabitable mine,

that explodes on contact,

like a pilot that has lost his way,

the ejection of ideals is blown away,

replaced with love,

the rough edges,

melt away,

hope discovers,

the grace of today.